Follow me on a Video Tour of the Sorrento Peninsula


Here I am suggesting, now that readers have seen maps and views of the Sorrento Peninsula, to watch this video published by the Sorrento Tourism Office in co-operation with Rai 3 Napoli: First you see Sorrento and its port, then a walk is taken to the tip of the Peninsula, Punta Campanella, while browsing in the shops and seeing local products and local art.
On this Sorrento Peninsula site, we will cover exactly these topics later on. Enjoy watching this Sorrento Intro Video. By the way, the island in the left corner in the picture below is Capri.
At Punta Campanella, a marine park to safeguard the marine flora and fauna and untouched beaches has been set up by the Italian Ministry of the environment. It is called the Area Marina Protetta di Punta Campanella, you can read more about that here (Italian language only).

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